Loading ammonium sulphate granular by break bulk vessel is a common method for transporting bulk fertilizers, especially when containerized shipping is not feasible or cost-effective.
However transporting ammonium sulphate granular by break bulk vessels or bulk carriers requires strict quality control, particularly regarding the hardness and overall quality of the granules. The granular form must withstand the rigors of handling, loading, and transportation without excessive breakage or degradation, which could lead to dust formation, caking, or loss of product quality.
1. Quality Requirements for Ammonium Sulphate Granular
Granule Hardness:
The granules must have sufficient hardness to withstand mechanical handling during loading, unloading, and transportation without breaking into fine particles or dust.Hardness is typically measured using a crush strength test (e.g., granules should withstand a minimum pressure 35N)
Size Uniformity:
Granules should be uniformly sized (typically 2–4 mm in diameter) to ensure even distribution during application and to prevent segregation during transport.
Moisture Content:
Moisture content should be kept low (typically below 0.5%) to prevent caking and ensure free-flowing properties.
Dust Content:
The product should have minimal dust (less than 1%) to avoid losses during handling and to ensure safety for workers.
2. Special Considerations for Break Bulk and Bulk Vessel Shipping
Mechanical Handling:
Break bulk and bulk vessels often use mechanical equipment like conveyor belts, grabs, or pneumatic systems for loading and unloading. These processes can subject the granules to significant mechanical stress, so hardness is critical.
Storage Conditions:
The cargo holds must be clean, dry, and free from residues of previous cargoes to prevent contamination.Proper ventilation is necessary to avoid moisture buildup, which can cause caking.
Loading and Unloading:
Granules should be loaded evenly to prevent shifting during transit, which could lead to breakage. Care must be taken to minimize drop heights during loading to reduce the risk of granule breakage.
3. Advantages of Break Bulk and Bulk Vessel Shipping
Break bulk and bulk shipping are more economical for large volumes compared to containerized shipping.
Direct loading and unloading reduce handling time and costs.
Chemplus Agro Company’s rich experience in shipping granular ammonium sulphate by break bulk vessel (BBV) is a significant advantage, as this method requires specialized knowledge and expertise to ensure smooth and efficient operations.
Please feel free to contact us if you have such a requirement or request!
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